Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Little Bit of Life (2)

Just another update on life with the absence of baking……

 This month, I………..

……ate a delicious lemon meringue tart……

……had a really good chunk of banana cake…….

……took 1,000,000,000,000 pictures of the same candle…...

……stole my mom's cup of coffee to take a picture…...

……played with a very adorable blonde-haired three year old…...

……took pictures of her, her sister, and her brother…...

……wore a sweater and boots (twice!)…...

……took pictures of pretty clouds in a car moving 80 mi/h…...
……had coffee with my name spelt the wrong way……

……and saw a tall, decorated Christmas tree.

How was your month?

Happy baking!
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Cupcakes!

Did I mention how much I loved birthdays?

……and cupcakes?

Did I mention how much I loved birthday cupcakes?

I bake a lot of cakes, but if I had a choice, I would choose a cupcake over a cake. Come on, who could resist an adorable dainty little cupcake?

If you could, you can't be my friend.

Today's birthday cupcakes were made from the same chocolate cupcake base and the same vanilla frosting. What sets each individual cupcake apart was the add-on I sprinkled onto it. 

I have an abundance of sprinkles, nonpareils, and other sugary toppings lying in my kitchen cupboard (<---I literally JUST typed that as cupcake) and I figured WHY NOT?


Why not.

Sprinkles and sugary toppings will change the world. No objections.

I sincerely love every single one of the cupcakes with all of my heart and I don't like picking favorites, but the one pictured above is my favorite.

I love the contrast of black/white and chocolate/vanilla. It's just so pretty. Die. 

I now also have the obsession of naming my possessions. This one's called Avalon. Dark, mysterious, but sweet inside like…..Avalon. I totally just made that up. The name Avalon has nothing to do with one being dark, mysterious, and sweet……but you get the idea.

Love, love, LOVE.

This one above is called Sienna. She likes having parties. And Sienna sounds like fiesta. No it doesn't. But anyway. Next. 

Well hello there Miss Lila. Summery, princess-y, and girly. I like it.

This one looks like a Kirsten. I don't know why but Kirsten sounds wintery and silver (?). Yeah, most of the time I don't know what's running through my head either.

Emersyn. Because, why not. I've never met an Emersyn in my entire life but if I did meet one she'd look like a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting and nonpareils. That's just how I judge people.

Juliette. Pink, girly, princessy and fairy-ish. I really don't know how my brain works and how it thinks of things like this, but it just does. Don't question the ability of my brain.

Let's just call it a day, folks

I'm pretty sure I'll be making these in the near future.

But anyway, I shall continue with naming my possessions……moving on…….

Happy baking!
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